Sunday, March 18, 2012

TJ. Monday, May 9, 2011

No one will put their hands on me
TJ scared me so much. I was in Griffin's room, and Griffin left for only a few seconds, then TJ came into the room. And in that time, a lot could have badly happened.

Me, lying on Griffin's bed, coughing away, untill' TJ came in. He probably looked at me like he was a predator and I was his prey. I'm still frightened of him to this day.  I'm afraid that he will crawl into my bed while I'm asleep, and sickeningly touch me.....

When I was kept hostage in Griffin's room and TJ was leaning over me and I could feel the wrath of his breath on my face. I was about to spit in that ugly face of his. I had another cough slowly trying to lurch up my throat. I tucked my knees up to my chest trying to put a barrier between me and TJ's dirty hands.
I remeber TJ's exact words.

"Are you a virgin, Cheyenne? Are you? Beacause maybe it's time for you to become a real woman. Maybe you should let TJ give you a little loving before it's too late."
After whispering that i remeber him also whispering in my ear, "Where you going, you won't be getting any loving. They never talk about getting it on in heaven, do they,baby? Let TJ give you a sweet memory to take to your grave."

Before Griffin came rushing into the room to save me, I thought "What's going to happen to me," and was still shaking my head to tried to get away from TJ.
In my head I was screaming "Don't touch me!", while TJ had pinned my wrists against the wall.
What if he would kill me and sexually abuse my dead body afterwards? (if he's that sick?!)

I will never overcome my fear of that man, and I don't want to talk about him anymore.

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